Boat and Recreational Vehicle Storage
Tobermory Marine offers 40,000 square feet of indoor storage, five acres of outdoor storage along with winterizing and shrink wrap services.
Indoor storage is widely sought after and as such we generally fill up early. Please let us know if you are interested in storage for the upcoming season and reserve your spot.
Storage is priced per season (based on 2 seasons per year: Winter or Summer) and is calculated according to your vessel length. Charges are determined monthly.
We have 4 inside storage buildings on the premises.
We would be happy to provide you with a quote.
Please call for rates.
Outdoor Storage
Indoor Heated Storage Up to 8″ Wide
Indoor Heated Storage Over 8′ Wide
Indoor Storage (Up to 8′ Beam)
Indoor Storage (Over 8″ Beam)
*LOA = Total Length of Boat + Motor + 1/2 Trailer or Mast Overhang (for inside storage only)
Daily Rates are applied to Winter Storage starting May 1st.
Shrink Wrapping
Shrink Wrapping Up To 24 ft [Includes Storage on Lot] = $25.00/ft
Shrink Wrapping 24 ft and Over [Includes Storage on Lot] = $30.00/ft
Boat Hauling
Haul Boat with Hydraulic Trailer [3 Men]
Haul & Launch Trailered Boat Less Than 24 ft [within 5 km] = $120.00
Other Services
Outboard Storage
Pressure Wash = $4.95/ft
With chemical = $7.95/ft
Painting/Cleaning/Waxing/Detailing Services Available . . . . . . . . . . . . Inquire
Outside Summer Storage For Boats/RVs/House Trailers etc = $20.00/day
Up To 25’ (Victoria Day – Labour Day]
Boat Trailer [For Season] = $95.00 flat rate